Mt Rainier training / I want to wear a tutu

Please, help me wear a tutu. It’s for sick kids!

The Bridger Ridge Run is now less than 4 weeks away, in which I’ll be running 20 miles along the spine of a mountain range, between 7,500 and 9,500 feet of elevation, with 7,000 feet of climbing and over 9,000 feet of falling descending. To prepare, I’ve been going to Mt. Rainier.

photo credit: Alida

Some of the trails are still a little covered in snow, so I have a tendency to get lost. Fortunately, my new trail shoes don’t give a damn what the terrain is like, they just gobble it all up and yell at me for not going faster. They look at this MOUNTAIN and are all like, “pfft, whatever man, we got this”:

Meanwhile, I’ve been getting better at map reading, and I have a decent compass now…

just as confused as I look

Saturday, I did 13.1 miles with 6,866 feet of climbing in about 3.5 hours, which, yes, is very slow, but it was STRAIGHT UP for a while there, and full of snow.

I’ll get faster.

Especially if I end up wearing a tutu, instead of my usual boring gear:

See? Don’t I look bored? I need a tutu.



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