Two Stupid Things

Every now and then I do something really dumb.  In the past two weeks I outdid myself.

Stupid Thing #1

I bought a pair of Vibram Bikila LS shoes to give the old barefoot running thing a try. I knew you were supposed to start out slow and give your body a chance to adapt, but I underestimated what “slow” meant, and did 4.5 miles on my trial run (on a Wednesday).


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10 weeks to go until my first half-iron triathlon.  Yikes!  What drives me to train 9 times a week, saying no to social activities and foods I would otherwise happily engage in?  Well…

The Addiction

I admit it, I’m addicted to training.  It took me quite a while to get to this point.  When I started running again two years ago, I had to force myself out the door each time.  As I improved, though, and I was able to sustain a faster pace over longer sessions, I started to finally feel the “runner’s high” I’d heard of.  Knowing that feeling is waiting for me out there definitely helps, and it’s sort of like practicing being happy, which I find carries over into my non-training life (that is, I’m usually in a good mood).
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Leadman Epic 250

New crazy goal for next year (maybe): Leadman Epic 250.

5K swim / 223K bike / 22K run
3.1mi  / 138.6mi  / 13.7mi

I just have to get my half-iron completion time under 6:15 to qualify.

Oh, is that all?

crazy bastard…

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10 tips for better eating

It’s taken me a long time to form good eating habits.  Just a couple years ago my dinner would alternate between microwave dinners and mac-n-cheese (sometime with hot dogs thrown in).  It was quick, simple, and I didn’t have to think about it or plan ahead or read directions or anything.   Change is hard, but here’s some tips:

  1. Go slow.  Start by reading labels of what you eat now, and maybe do a little math, just to see where you’re at.  Then, try buying the low-sodium version of what you usually get.
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Half-iron time goal

The second page of this article lays out some math to calculate your Half-iron time goal based on a past Olympic distance performance.  So, based on my results at The Grand Columbian, I should be shooting for:

swim: 42:16
bike: 3:30:30
run: 2:29:24
total: 6:42:10

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HI-14 (14 weeks until my first half-iron)

I’m on a 16 week training plan by Matt Fitzgerald that I took out of Triathlete magazine last year, and held onto until now.  Here’s a sample week:


rest day!

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Running Tip: Heel Drag

When I’m running along my neighborhood sidewalks, I’ll sometimes be approaching someone from behind who is taking up a great deal of the available space. My calls of “excuse me!” are often ignored, or at least not reacted to swiftly enough to let me past without slowing down.

A while back I realized that there’s a gut reaction to the sound of footsteps approaching from behind: a quick head spin to see who/what is attacking.  So I play on that and let my heel drag on the pavement, making that distinctive ‘chuff’ sound.  Assuming they don’t have their headphones set to 11, they’ll immediately react, see me approaching, and step aside.

I can then smile and thank them as I fly past.

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Pre-workout Nutrition

Back before I knew anything about anything, I would set out for a run in the morning on an empty stomach, thinking that my body would be forced to use my fat stores for fuel.  Although it is possible to train the body to do this, it’s more complicated than simply not eating.  All I was really doing was setting myself up for a disappointing workout.

Now I know that by fueling up before I train, I can push myself harder, forcing my body to adapt more, which means more strength, speed, etc.  Usually this means half a low-sodium turkey sandwich with honey mustard, at least a half hour before I train:

That works for weights, the bike, and swimming.  Running with a sandwich in me usually causes a side-ache, though, so instead I’ll have a banana.  Before really long sessions I’ll have a bowl of pasta with chicken, a full 2 hours prior to setting out.

You have to experiment to find what works for you.

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Race Schedule: 2011

May 22: World’s Toughest Half

Back in the fall last year, I ripped a half-iron training plan out of Triathlete magazine.  It’s a 16 week plan by Matt Fitzgerald (which I’m starting this week, actually).  I wanted to start serious training again some time in January, so that meant finding a half-iron to do in May, preferably one I could drive to.  These criteria led me to find the Auburn Triathlon, in Auburn, CA, dubbed the “world’s toughest half”.   Sounds like fun to me!

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Crosstraining with Snowshoes!

I went to Whistler with a bunch of friends last weekend, and tried out snowshoeing for the first time.  It turns out that I love it!  You get a great workout while stomping around in the snow without the risk of horrendous knee injury that comes with skiing and snowboarding.  Plus, it’s a lot cheaper.  Before you go, though, make sure you read up on Non-Avalanche Related Snow Immersion Death!

You’ll need some shoes and some poles, and probably also a camera, so you can take awesome pictures:

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