Race Report: Lake Samish Tri

Lake Samish Tri, Bellingham, WA – 08/07/2010

Back in May of 2010, I was having so much fun training for ChelanMan that I signed up for a second tri before even completing my first!  Luckily, I had a great time in Chelan, and my goal for this second one was simply to finish without having any breakdowns.

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Race Report: ChelanMan 2010

ChelanMan, Chelan, WA – 07/18/2010

(Since this was my first tri ever, it’s a little extra long.  Enjoy!)

Back in December, 2009, I took the suggestion of a personal trainer at the gym and started training for a triathlon.  He figured I’d be ready for a sprint distance by July, 2010, so I looked online for a race around then, and found ChelanMan.

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Book Review: Born to Run

My sister tried to buy me Born to Run for my birthday, but it was snatched from my doorstep.  She tried again for xmas, sending it to our folks instead.  Success!  Two days later, I was finished, and what a great read!

Yes, that’s right, I read it all in two days flat.  It’s an amazing story, centered on the Tarahumara, but with fascinating tangents into evolution, nutrition, the Leadville 100 (which now I want to do some day), and much, much more.  I couldn’t put it down, and neither will you.

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I’m trying out some of the methodology in Strength Training for Triathletes.  Yesterday was ‘test day’, in which I was to figure out the “1RM” (one rep max) for each of my chosen exercises.  This meant picking a weight I figured I could do only 10 or fewer reps on, and then calculating what my max weight would be from how many reps I accomplished at the smaller weight.  It’s not an exact science, but it’s close enough, and certainly safer than potentially picking a weight that injures you.

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Race report: Seattle Marathon 2010

(My apologies for the long delay in posting this… I’ve been busy, um, healing?)

Seattle, WA – 11/28/2010

First off, the big question: did I finish?  Drumroll… I did!  Next year the goal is to finish without injury, but I’m getting ahead of myself…
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Gobble gobble – nearly time

My heel seems to be ok.  A little tender, and I’m sure it’s going to seize up all to hell following the marathon, but I don’t think I’ll be doing any lasting damage at this point.

Only a couple of days left now.   I’ve been working on my equipment list for the past couple weeks, visualizing race-day and adding items as I realize I’ve left them out:

  • 8oz bottle w/ water to carry
  • 20oz bottle w/ nuun to sip in the hour before race time
  • 8 gels (1 just before the start, 6 during, and 1 spare)
  • race number & belt
  • timing chip & shoes
  • Garmin Forerunner 305 & heart monitor strap
  • hat
  • tri jersey / shirt / jacket
  • gloves
  • post-run shirt / hat / jacket / sweatpants

The weather is forecast to be partly cloudy and in the low 40s.  This is excellent news.  I should be able to get away with only 1 thermal layer over my tri jersey, plus gloves and a cold-weather running hat (both Nike).  I’ll also have my running jacket with me in case the forecast is wrong, but hopefully I can leave it in the car.

The course will have water stations every 2 miles, stocked with gatorade, so I’m going to have water in the bottle I carry to keep it interesting.  It’s nice to have a break from the flavored stuff every now and then.

I’m excited, but also really nervous.  This is a far crazier thing than the triathlons I did this year.  Just like with the triathlons, I’ve done the training, but it feels like the gap between the training and the actual race distance is much larger this time.  The longest I’ve run is 18 miles, and Sunday I’ll be adding another 8 to that.  18 miles frakking HURT.  I really just don’t know what’s going to happen when I go even further, but it should be interesting finding out.

I’m thankful for the journey.

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Learning when to stop

To train for the Seattle Marathon (my first), I’ve been following “plan C” listed here.  I finally hit 18 miles on the 6th (in 3:10, woo!), and hoo boy did it ever hurt!  I iced and rested for most of the next 24 hours, and then did another 6 miles, per the plan.  I stuck with the plan through the following Saturday, but by then the nagging pain in my right heel had become painful enough that I thought I might be really injuring myself.

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nutrition / hydration

The other day my father emailed me some advice from a gym buddy of his that has ended up in the medical tent at the end of the Seattle Marathon three times:

It seems that the weather is so damp and cold that you do not feel you need to replace fluids (and he has done dozens of tris and marathons – including the Canadian Iron Man) and the result is that he would finish both dehydrated and hypothermic – so off to the tent for warm fluids to be pumped in.

I’ve noticed that I have indeed been drinking less as the temperature has dropped, but I think I’m still getting enough.

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Asics running socks

Regular cotton socks allow too much movement within the shoe, causing friction and heat, which creates blisters, and blisters aren’t ever fun.   Lightweight, moisture-wicking socks are essential in preventing blisters from happening in the first place.

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Hammer Gel

For training or events lasting more than an hour, I need portable, easily digestible calories to keep going.  Hammer Gel has been working great for me, though it does usually make me belch once or twice.   Also, it’s damn tasty (montana huckleberry is my favorite).

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